Irritease, 1 oz

Irritease, 1 oz

Irritease, 1 oz

SKU KT127-1
Brand Kan Traditionals
Unit Size 1 fl oz
Potency 7:1
Chinese Symptomology Occasional abdominal distention. Occasional gurgling, rumbling or sensation of fullness in the abdomen. Occasional fatigue.
Actions Harmonizes the Liver and Spleen, spreads the Liver Qi, strengthens the Spleen, transforms Dampness, clears Damp Heat, regulates the Middle Burner, restrains Blood.
Pattern Liver and Spleen disharmony, Liver Qi stagnation, Spleen Qi deficiency, Damp Heat in the Stomach and Intestines, Qi deficiency.
Tongue Tongue body variable, swollen, teethmarks, and thin, white or yellow coat
Pulse Wiry, slippery, rapid
Chinese name Tong Xie Yao Fang & Huo Xiong Zheng Qi San
English name Irritease
Description Harmonizes the Liver and Spleen, spreads the Liver Qi, strengthens the Spleen, transforms Dampness, clears Damp Heat, regulates the Middle Burner, restrains Blood.*

Yin chen hao - Capillaris herb
Bai zhu - White atractylodes rhizome
Dang shen - Codonopsis root
Wu wei zi - Schisandra fruit
Yi yi ren - Job's tears seed
Chai hu - Bupleurum root
Che qian zi - Plantain seed
Fu ling - Poria
Hou po - Magnolia bark
Huang bai - Phellodendron bark
Guang huo xiang - Patchouli herb
Pao jiang - Prepared ginger rhizome
Qin pi - Chinese ash bark
Zhi gan cao - Honey fried Chinese licorice root and rhizome
Bai shao - White peony root
Chen pi - Tangerine dried rind of mature fruit
Huang lian - Coptis rhizome
Fang feng - Siler root
Mu xiang - Saussurea root
Bai zhi - Fragrant angelica root

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