Invigorate Blood & Stem the Flow

Invigorate Blood & Stem the Flow

Invigorate Blood & Stem the Flow

Brand Women's Treasures by Giovanni Maciocia
Unit Size 60 Tablets - 500mg Each
Potency 6:1
Chinese Symptomology Heavy periods with dark and clotted blood, painful periods with pain relieved after the onset of the period, irregular periods, periods stopping and starting, mental restlessness, agitation, irritability, abdominal pain, dark complexion.
Actions Invigorate Blood, eliminate stasis, stop bleeding
Pattern Blood stasis bleeding
Tongue Purple
Pulse Wiry or choppy

Three Treasures, Women's Treasures & Little Treasures Manual

Chinese name Tao Hong Si Wu Tang
English name PersicaCarthamus Four Substances Decoction

Invigorate Blood and stop bleeding in gynaeocological problems.*


Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Chuanxiong
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae 
Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae Alba 
Tao Ren Semen Persicae 
Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 
Pu Huang Pollen Typhae 
Qian Cao Gen Radix Rubiae San Qi Radix Notoginseng
Xian He Cao Herba Agrimoniae 
Dan Shen Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 
Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi
Chi Shao Radix Paeoniae Rubra
Mu Dan Pi Cortex Moutan 
Shan Zhu Yu Fructus Corni

Price : $32.95
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Quantity (4 in stock)
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