Immune Support
Th2 Modulator, 120ct
Helps modulate the Th2 immune response and maintains Th1/Th2 balance at the cellular level*
Throat & Gland Spray, 2oz
Throat & Gland™ is a potent herbal throat spray that provides support when exposed to environmental challenges during the changing seasons. Its unique combination of propolis, herbal extracts and essential oils is designed to support the immune and lymphatic systems, particularly when it is used prior to, or at the onset of feelings of discomfort. Throat & Gland™ can be used for both symptomatic relief in acute situations and for general immune system support.*
Thuja Extract, 16 oz.
Supports Healthy Immune Function*
Thuja Extract, 2 oz.
Supports Healthy Immune Function*
Thuja Extract, 32 oz.
Supports Healthy Immune Function*
Thuja Extract, 8 oz.
Supports Healthy Immune Function*
Zinc in a unique tri-amino acid mineral transport system for immune, skin, prostate, and neural cellular health.*
Triple EFA Guard, 120ct
PERQUE Triple EFA Guard™ contains the best balance (4:1) of omega-3 to omega-6 essential fatty acids (EFAs), along with the beneficial omega-9 EFA and the most potent docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)/ conjugated linolenic acid (CLA) combination. Finally, a product with the essential oils you need.
Triple EFA Guard, 60ct
PERQUE Triple EFA Guard™ contains the best balance (4:1) of omega-3 to omega-6 essential fatty acids (EFAs), along with the beneficial omega-9 EFA and the most potent docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)/ conjugated linolenic acid (CLA) combination. Finally, a product with the essential oils you need.