Immortal Qi, 60 caps

Immortal Qi, 60 caps

Immortal Qi, 60 caps

Brand Blue Poppy Originals
Unit Size 60 (8:1 extract) capsules
Potency 10:1 (average) 500mg
Properties Enhances Athletic Performance
Contraindications Vacuity heat, insomnia
Chinese Symptomology Pi juan (fatigue);Shi li (lack of strength);Xuan yun (dizziness);Tou tong (headache);Yu Zheng (depression)
Western Symptomology Aging;Lowered immunity;fatigue;Memory loss;Altitude sickness;Athletic performance;Poor Memory
Actions Boosts the qi and enriches yin, rectifies the qi, arouses the brain, and increases intelligence.
Pattern Qi and Yin dual vacuity.
Chinese name Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang He Sheng Mai San Jia Jian, 60 caps
English name Immortal Qi, 60 caps
Description Designed especially for patients over 40-45 as an immune boosting, mental and physical performance enhancing adaptogen. This formula may be taken over a long period of time as an anti-aging formula. This formula may also be used by people who are planning travel from low altitudes to higher altitudes as an altitude-sickness preventing formula. It may also prove helpful for athletes to take short term to boost physical performance without fear of drug tests. It contains elements of both Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang and Sheng Mai San.

This formula boosts the qi, enriches yin, and arouses the brain, but, because it upbears the clear and disinhibits the qi mechanism, it supplements without stagnating. In particular, this formula supplements all three viscera which engender the qi the lungs, spleen, and kidneys. It boosts immunity, improves both physical and mental performance, and improves adaptation to stress. It is indicated for the treatment of qi and yin dual vacuity resulting in fatigue, lowered immunity, and aging.
Ingredients Huang Qi; Hong Jing Tian; Chuan Xiong; Mai Men Dong; Wu Wei Zi; Dong Chong Xia Cao; Tai Zi Shen; Bai Zhu; Dang Gui; Man Jing Zi; Sheng Jiang; Gan Cao; Sheng Ma; Chai Hu
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