Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (Oren-gedoku-to)

Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (Oren-gedoku-to)

Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (Oren-gedoku-to)

SKU H015
Brand Honso
Unit Size Box of 42 sachets (14 day supply)
Dosage For Adult: 7.5g/day orally into 3 doses before and between meals.
Potency 5:1
Chinese Symptomology Signs & symptoms of heat toxins include:High fever ~Irritability ~Dry mouth and throat ~Deranged speech ~Insomnia ~Dark urine ~Possible carbuncles, deep-rooted abscesses, and other toxic swellings ~Possible dysentery ~Possible jaundice ~A red tongue with yellow fur ~A rapid, forceful pulse
Western Symptomology Heat or fire toxins manifesting as various infections, such as septicemia, pyemia, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, meningitis, encephalitis B, and dysentery, acute gastroenteritis, acute hepatitis, acute cholecystitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, insomnia, hypertension, and the sequelae of stroke
Actions Drains fire and resolves toxins
Pattern Fire toxins
Chinese name Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (Oren-gedoku-to)
English name Coptis Detoxifying Formula
Description This prescription is mainly used for excess-heat pattern with hyperactive fire in the triple burner that affects to the inferior, superior, interior and exterior.
Ingredients The daily dose of 7.5g (3 unit packets) contains: Coptis Rhizome (Huang lian) 1.5g; Phellodendron Bark (Huang bo)1.5g; Scutellaria Root (Huang qin) .3.0g; Gardenia Fruit (Zhi zi) .....2.0g; Standardization Specification: This product is standardized to contain 22.3-52.2 mg/day of Berberine, 86.2-160.2 mg/day of Baicalin, and 33.3-62.0 mg/day of Geniposide.
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