Huang Lian Jie Du Tang, 75 gram powder

Huang Lian Jie Du Tang, 75 gram powder

Huang Lian Jie Du Tang, 75 gram powder

SKU HS323-75
Brand Herbsmith Rx Traditional Formulas
Unit Size 75 gram powder
Actions Drains fire and relieves toxicity. 

For Dogs: 
<30 lbs..........½ tsp. twice a day, or as prescribed
30-80 lbs.......1 tsp. twice a day, or as prescribed
80-120 lbs.....1 ½ tsp. twice a day, or as prescribed
>120 lbs........2 tsp. twice a day, or as prescribed
For Cats........¼ tsp. twice a day, or as prescribed
For Horses... (for the 1000 lb Horse ) Two tablespoons two times per day for 20 days then two tablespoons one time per day in grain. Note: In the event of refusal to eat herbs start with small amounts of herbs in grain until the horse is acquainted with the taste. Almost all horses will eat the herbs in their grain. 

Chinese name Huang Lian Jie Du Tang
English name Coptis Powder to Relieve Toxicity, Coptidetox, Coptis Relieve Toxicity, Coptis Pill to Eliminate Toxin
Description Drains fire and relieves toxicity. Repletion Heat and Fire Toxin, Exuberant Heat in the Three Burners.
Ingredients Rhizoma Coptidis (huang lian), Radix Scutellariae (huang qin), Cortex Phellodendri (huang bai), Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis (zhi zi)
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