Hou Po Hua

Hou Po Hua

Hou Po Hua

Brand NuHerbs
Unit Size 1 lb
Dosage 3-6 grams in decoction - Bensky
Potency 1:1
Taste Acrid, bitter - Bensky
Properties Slightly Warm - Bensky
Chinese Symptomology Distention and fullness in the epigastrium and abdomen, stifling sensation in the chest, lack of appetite - Bensky
Actions Promotes the movement of qi and transforms dampness - Bensky
Pattern Dampness and Qi stagnation - Bensky

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Chinese name Hou Po Hua
English name Magnolia Flower
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Price: $9.85
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Bensky states that this herb "focuses more on the upper and middle burners, and is most commonly used to expand and ease the middle burner and chest when dampness has led to qi stagnation."


Hou Po Hua - Magnoliae Officinalis Flos

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