Hops, 32 oz.

Hops, 32 oz.

Hops, 32 oz.

SKU VW156-32
Brand Vitality Works
Unit Size 32 oz.
Dosage 20-40 drops in water or juice, 2-3 times daily, or as needed
Potency 1:2
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Price: $373.35
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Traditionally used by native Americans for insomnia and pain. Also known to be useful for tension, anxiety, IBS and premature ejaculation. Externally for skin infections, eczema, herpes and leg ulcers. Listed in the American pharmacopeia in 1831-1913 and well established in Europe by the 17th century.

Combined with valerian as a sedative and with chamomile or mentha for nervous digestive problems. Not given to patiens with a history of depression.

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