

Honeyland was established by Apiarist Sue Walker in July 1986 and quickly secured a notable reputation for high quality, pure, natural, New Zealand honey. Honeyland originates from New Zealand, an island nation located deep in the South Pacific Ocean. Our treasure lies in our land, with its unique natural diversity of flora and fauna, created in prehistoric isolation and preserved in a clean and green environment. The unique floral sources of honey available from this environment are harvested by Honeyland for you to enjoy. Internationally recognised Honeyland is a market leader, being one of the first companies in New Zealand to identify the potential of mono-floral honeys in meeting the increasing demand for food that is healthy and safe, with traceability back to its origin. Honeyland promotes the attributes of New Zealand honeys, keeping up-to-date with current research findings. In 2001 Honeyland played a key role in organizing a successful public seminar in Tokyo in which well-regarded New Zealand scientist Dr Peter Molan of Waikato University, presented New Zealand Manuka honey research findings to Japanese Honey Industry leaders. Strong ethical values Honeyland is a business based on strong ethical values and a keen awareness of ecological and sustainability issues. Honeyland celebrates the fact that the social and environmental impacts of beekeeping are advantageous to our planet, not only to its flora and fauna, but also to its people. By working in close harmony with nature, Honeyland sustainably harvests honey from New Zealand\'s trees and pasturelands. Honeyland is based in Palmerston North, located in New Zealand’s North Island.

Manuka Honey MGO 60+, 1/2lb

SKU: PR160
Brand: Honeyland
Unit Size: .5 lb (250 gms)

Honeyland's Bio Active Manuka Honey is sourced from Leptospermum scoparium a small tree that is native to New Zealand.

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Price : $13.99
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