Helichrysum Hydrosol Mister

Helichrysum Hydrosol Mister

Helichrysum Hydrosol Mister

Brand Snow Lotus Essential Oils
Unit Size 2 fl oz Spray
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Price: $15.00
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Quantity (1 in stock)

Fragrance profile: Helichrysum hydrosol has a similar rosy-sweet, floral fragrance as Rose hydrosol, but with richer, more robust and deeper, more extended base notes of caramel and butterscotch. This hydrosol has excellent persistence on the skin.

Mist Helichrysum hydrosol for . . .

* A soothing, sensual floral mist 

* A soothing, toning, firming conditioner for sensitive, delicate or damaged skin, and broken capillaries 

* A gentle tissue healer for sensitive, puffy, weak or problem skin 

* A gentle tissue healer after facial acupuncture or other similar facial treatment 

Ingredients Botanical name: Helichrysum angustifolium Plant part: The fresh herb in flower Origin: France Production: Wild-harvested from pristine stands and certified organic Extraction method: Steam distillation
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