Hei Dou Yi (Wu Dou Yi)

Hei Dou Yi (Wu Dou Yi)

Hei Dou Yi (Wu Dou Yi)

Brand NuHerbs
Unit Size 1 pound
Dosage 6-15 grams in decoction - Bensky
Potency 1:1
Taste Sweet
Properties Neutral
Actions Calms the Liver, directs the Liver qi and yang downward: enrishes the Kidney yin, clears heat, resolves toxicity - Bensky
Pattern Ascendant Liver yang; Blood deficiency; Yin deficiency; Kidney yin deficiency; Internal heat; Heat; Toxicity
Branch Liver

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Chinese name Hei Dou Yi / Wu Dou Yi
English name Soybean Skin
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Price: $7.65
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Calms the Liver, directs the Liver qi and yang downward; enriches the Kidney yin, clears heat, resolves toxicity.* - Bensky:  Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.


Hei Dou Yi (Wu Dou Yi) - Glycine max