Healthy Heart Compound 4 oz.

Healthy Heart Compound 4 oz.

Healthy Heart Compound 4 oz.

SKU HAL223-4
Brand Herbalist & Alchemist
Unit Size 4 oz.
English name Healthy Heart Compound
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Price: $63.55
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Quantity (2 in stock)
Description This formula acts as a mild but effective hearts and circulation tonic. Rich in herbs containing flavonoids, it helps nourish and restore tonus to the heart muscle and blood vessels. Specific indications include arrhythmias, palpitations, angina, hypertension, poor circulation, varicose veins, cardiac depression and Alzheimer's disease. Hawthorn, Night Blooming Cereus, and Tienchi all strengthen cardiac function, they have a mild negatively chronotropic and positively inotropic activity. This means it slows the heart beat with a stronger contraction. They also enhance circulation to the heart while decreasing myocardial oxygen consumption. Ginkgo leaf and Prickly Ash enhance peripheral circulation and help prevent atherosclerosis. --Winston: Herbal Therapeutics*

Hawthorn fruit, leaf & flower (Crataegus monogyna), Chinese Salvia root (Salvia miltiorrhiza), Night Blooming Cereus stem (Selenicereus grandiflorus), Astragalus root (Astragalus membranaceus), Corydalis yanhusuo rhizome (Corydalis yanhusuo), Dong Quai root (Angelica sinensis)

Other Ingredients
Certified Organic alcohol, USP pharmaceutical grade glycerin, distilled water

Suggested Use
40-60 drops (2-3 mL) in juice or water.  Take 3 times per day.

May potentiate prescription digitalis based medications or beta blockers. Avoid concurrent use with blood thinning medications. Consult a qualified expert before use if taking heart prescription medications or if you have a serious heart condition.

Additional Recommendations:
Maintain a low saturated fat diet, take vitamin E with selenium, increase magnesium (1000 mg. per day) and folic acid (400-800 mcg. per day) intake. Increase dietary intake of Allium family vegetables—onions, garlic, ramps, scallions, etc. and grape juice, pink grapefruits and red wine in moderation.

Certified Kosher by OK Kosher Certification

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