Health Concerns
Health Concerns is at the leading edge of research in herbal medicine and is known for bringing the centuries of knowledge amassed in the Chinese herbal tradition to the West. Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. Today, Health Concerns continues to research, test, and adapt traditional formulas to effectively treat commonly seen disorders. By applying the science of modern biochemistry and scientific accuracy to this rich base of knowledge, Health Concerns has developed uniquely effective formulas targeted to treat specific disorders. The herbal formulas are manufactured under the strictest quality controls, producing easy-to-take tablets with consistent potency. During the formulation process and after manufacture, the formulas are extensively tested to ensure optimum effectiveness, potency, and maximum bioavailability. The result? Highly effective formulas that simply work better, producing better results for your patients–and your practice.
As of 2021 Health Conerns has made many changes to their formula ingredients. Here is a pdf of the changes we have been notified about.
Fertile Garden
Fertile Garden addresses factors that hinder the process of conception. Insufficiency of blood and liver Qi stagnation with heat signs are common in women when they reach their mid-thirties. The mentrual cycle may present with early or scant periods, breast distention, depression and emotional liability.
Flavonex, 90 Caps
Flavonex is based on a combination of three Chinese herbs rich in flavones, including a concentrated extract of Ginkgo Biloba (Bai Guo Ye). Ginkgo is the subject of much research in Europe on its ability to affect cerebral and peripheral arterial insufficiency. The herbs are added to a base of famous Chinese herbs thought to prolong the life span and improve cerebral functions. Flavonex is designed to treat cardiovascular degeneration from high fat diets.
Formula H
This is an empirical formula based on Dr. Fung's 60 years of clinical experience. Hemorrhoids are a common affliction caused by a variety of factors. Biomedically, these include pregnancy, constipation, and straining during bowel movements. Individuals in professions that involve sitting for prolonged periods are also prone to hemorrhoids.
Formula V
Horse chestnut seed extract (HCSE) preparations are used for a variety of vein disorders including pain and heaviness of the legs, cramps in the calves, puruitis, leg swelling, varicose veins, edema of the lower limbs and hemorrhoids.