He Shou Wu Extract, 2 oz.

He Shou Wu Extract, 2 oz.

He Shou Wu Extract, 2 oz.

SKU HAL561-2
Brand Herbalist & Alchemist
Unit Size 2 oz.
Taste Bitter, sweet - Bensky
Properties Astringent, slightly warm - Bensky
Contraindications Contraindicated in those with loose stools or significant dampness or phlegm. - Bensky
Actions Nourishes the blood and yin, preserves the essence. - Bensky
Pattern Yin or blood deficiency - Bensky
Channels Entered Liver, Kidney - Bensky
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Price: $31.54
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Quantity (1 in stock)

Nourishes the blood and yin, preserves the essence. - Bensky:  Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica


Botanical Name: Polygonum multiflorum

Part Used: Root

Fresh/Dry: Dried

Concentration/Other Ingredients
1:4 - Certified Organic alcohol, distilled water

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