Happy Wanderer, 1oz

Happy Wanderer, 1oz

Happy Wanderer, 1oz

SKU KV112A-1
Brand Kan Essentials Veterinarian Formulas
Unit Size 1 fl oz
Dosage Varies, depending on the animal's sensitivity to the herbs, condition classification as acute or chronic, and animal compliance with formula administration. Consult a veterinary professional or the Kan Essentials website for final dosage selection.
Potency 7:1
Properties Supports healthy liver enzyme levels.
Actions Relieves Liver Qi stagnation; strengthens Stomach and Spleen functions.
Pattern Spreads the Liver Qi and resolves stagnation, nourishes Blood, clears Heat from the Liver channel, harmonizes the Liver and Spleen Qi, drains Dampness
Tongue The tongue is frequently pale or lavender
Pulse The pulse is thin and taut

Recommended Animal Dosages


The following dosage recommendations are based upon dosages for humans and our practicing veterinarians' feedback. Dosage suggestions should be used as a guideline and professional veterinarian judgment employed in the final dosage selection.

Horse and Pony Dosages
Weight Extracts Tablets
330 - 650 lbs. 6-9 droppersful/5-6 cc 9-18 tabs
650 - 1000 lbs. 9-12 droppersful/6-10 cc 18-25 tabs
1,000 - 1,300 lbs. 12-15 droppersful/10-13 cc 25-32 tabs
Administer to horses and ponies up to two times daily with meals.
1 dropperful = 30-35 drops.

Dog Dosages
Weight Extracts Tablets
1-10 lbs. 5-10 drops .25 tab
11-20 lbs. 10-20 drops .5 tab
21-35 lbs. .5-1 dropperful 1 tab
36-75 lbs. 1-1.5 droppersful 2 tabs
76-100 lbs. 1.5-2 droppersful 3 tabs
Administer to dogs up to three times daily with meals.
1 dropperful = 30-35 drops.

Cat Dosages
Weight Extracts Tablets
1-10 lbs. 5-10 drops .25 tab
11-20 lbs. 10-20 drops .5 tab
21-35 lbs. .5-1 dropperful 1 tab
Administer to cats up to three times daily with meals.
1 dropperful = 30-35 drops.
Chinese name Xiao Yao San
English name Rambling Ease Powder, Easy Wanderer
Description Spreads the Liver Qi and resolves stagnation, nourishes Blood, clears Heat from the Liver channel, harmonizes the Liver and Spleen Qi, drains Dampness*

Pinyin Name

Common Name

Bai shao

White peony root

Chai hu

Bupleurum root

Dang gui shen

Dong guai root

Bai zhu

White atractylodes rhizome

Fu ling


Bo he

Chinese mint herb

Gan cao

Chinese licorice root and rhizome

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