Hepaglycerite, 16 oz

Hepaglycerite, 16 oz

Hepaglycerite, 16 oz

SKU WWH510-16
Brand Wise Woman Herbals
Unit Size 16 oz.
Dosage Take 10-60 drops, 1-4 times a day. (Note: Dropper included with 1 & 2 ounce size only.)
Contraindications This formula is not recommended during pregnancy.

Promotes normal healthy liver, gallbladder and gastrointestinal function


  • Supports normal healthy liver tissue
  • promotes normal phase I and phase II detoxification in the liver
  • Supports production of healthy bile in the liver
  • Supports normal healthy release of bile from the gallbladder
  • Promotes normal healthy digestion of fats
  • Alcohol free extract

Milk thistle, dandelion, burdock, Oregon grape, yellow dock, essential oil of coriander, and potassium sorbate (0.1%) in a base of vegetable glycerin and spring water.

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