Gui Pi Tang Granules, 100g

Gui Pi Tang Granules, 100g

Gui Pi Tang Granules, 100g

Brand Min Tong Granules - Formulas
Unit Size 100 grams
Dosage 3 grams/3x daily
Properties This herbal formula may be used for any condition due to blood deficiency, like side effects of chemotherapy and radiation; heavy blood loss. May also be used for conditions of bruising, as well as depression.
Contraindications It is not for a person who has acute fever; hemorrhage caused by inflammation and infection
Chinese Symptomology Insomnia, interrupted sleep, drowsiness, heart palpitations; tired, achy or painful limbs, general fatigue, anemia, menstrual disharmony; irregular perspiration, dizziness, headache, tinnitus, poor vision, appetite disorders, nausea and bowel problems, memory loss, and overthinking.
Western Symptomology Bodily fatigue, heart palpitations, amnesia, poor appetite, insomnia, anemia, uterine bleeding, blood in the stool.
Actions Strengthens Spleen; tonifies Heart; nourishes Blood; calms the Heart’s spirit (Shen).
Pattern Deficiency of Spleen qi and Heart blood
Tongue Usually pale with tooth-marks on the sides of the tongue proper and a thin white coating
Pulse Usually thin and weak
Branch Spleen, Hearet
Chinese name Gui Pi Tang Granules
English name Ginseng & Longan Combination Granules

Replenishes the Qi; nourishes Blood; strengthens the Spleen; tonifies the Heart*

Ingredients Astragalus Radix (Huang Qi) 11.52% Atractylodes Rhizoma - White (Bai Zhu) 11.52% Poria Cocos (Fu Ling) 11.52% Zizyphus Semen (Suan Zao Ren) 11.52% Longana Arillus (Long Yan Rou) 11.52% Panax Ginseng - Red (Ren Shen) 6.91% Angelica Sinensis Radix (Dang Gui) 6.91% Polygala Tenuifolia Radix (Yuan Zhi) 6.91% Zingiber Officinale Radix (Sheng Jiang) 6.91% Ziziphus Fructus - Red (Da Zao) 5.54% Aucklandia Radix (Mu Xiang) 4.61% Glycyrrhiza Radix (Gan Cao) 4.61%
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