Great White Lung Formula, 1 oz

Great White Lung Formula, 1 oz

Great White Lung Formula, 1 oz

SKU KT124-1
Brand Kan Traditionals
Unit Size 1 oz
Potency 7:1
Chinese Symptomology Pediatric asthmaMeasles;Wheezing with sore throat;Dry cough with burning sensation;Bronchitis with cough and scanty yellow sputum;Pneumonia
Actions Drains Heat or Fire, resolves fever, diffuses the Lung Qi, soothes cough, calms wheezing, resolves Phlegm, regulates Qi
Pattern Wind-Heat attacking the Lung and Stomach, trapped Wind-Cold turning to Heat in the Lung
Tongue Bright red with a yellow coating
Pulse Tense, slippery and rapid, floating
Branch Lung
Chinese name Ma Xing Zhi Ke Pian
English name Great White Lung Formula, 1 oz

Great White Lung Clearing Formula is a highly effective prescription for acute Lung patterns, as both Wind Cold and Wind Heat pathogens produce Heat when trapped in the Lung. Usually there is qi level or yangming channel Heat or Fire, producing a drying of the Lung Yin and weakening of Lung Qi. There may be fever, rapid breathing, thirst, wheezing and possible sweating. This produces a burning sensation in the chest, dry mouth and throat and an irritating cough with scanty mucus. This prescription also treats acute flare-up of chronic Lung conditions such as Heat-pattern asthma with Yin vacuity or Lung Yin vacuity bronchial conditions.*

Ingredients Jie geng - Platycodon root; Xing ren (bei) - Apricot seed; Zi su ye - Perilla leaf; Gan cao - Chinese licorice root; Chen pi - Tangerine dried rind of mature fruit; Sheng shi gao - Gypsum; Feng mi - Bee honey; Hua shi - Talcum
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