Excerpted from Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica
- Combine with tian zhu huang, huang lian, and chan tui for seizures*
- Combine with long chi, shi gao, and zhi zi for childhood seizures.*
- Combine with tian ma, ju hua, and shi jue ming for dizziness and vertigo due to Liver wind, as in tian ma gou teng yin.*
- Add shi gao and fu shen for more extreme cases with accompanying symptoms of facial flush, short temper, and wiry pulse.*
- Combine with xia ku cao, uj hua, and shi jue ming for hypertension due to ascendent Liver yang.*
- Combine with bo he, chan tui, and jing jie for externally-contracted wind-heat with headaches and red eyes. Also used for incomplete expression of rashes.*