Glass Cupping Set - 14 pcs.

Glass Cupping Set - 14 pcs.

Glass Cupping Set - 14 pcs.

(2 reviews)  

Price: $195.50
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Quantity (8 in stock)

Modern, hand suction set. Lightweight, thin walled, sturdy glass cups offer a comfortable feeling on the skin. Set of 14 includes 8 of the 1.8" dia cups and 2 each of the 1.5", 1.3", and 1" cups. Also includes a straight hand pump and carrying case.

Each suction cup may need the seal on the nipple to be loosened before use for proper suction. If cup does not work (no suction), lift and twist airlock nipple (part that attaches to pump) several times. This should loosen the seal and enable the cup to create proper suction.