Fu-shen 16, 250 tablets

Fu-shen 16, 250 tablets

Fu-shen 16, 250 tablets

SKU SF149-250
Brand Seven Forests
Unit Size 250 tablets (crude herbs are powdered and formed)
Chinese Symptomology Mental agitationDizziness
Western Symptomology InsomniaSpasms/convulsionsOral ulcerationPost-stroke syndromeVertigo
Actions Calm spiritPurge fireSettle wind

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English name Fu-shen 16, 250 tablets
Description Fu-shen 16 is inspired by Bupleurum and Dragon Bone Combination (Chaihu Jia Longgu Muli Tang) and Achyranthes and Hematite Combination (Zhengan Xifeng Tang; see Ancient and Modern Formulas). These formulas are aimed at treating liver agitation causing both mental and physical distress. The common ingredients with these two base formulas are the heavy sedative agents dragon bone, oyster shell, and hematite (with haliotis added here). The formula was modified in light of another formula with similar application: Iron Filings Decoction (Sheng Tieluo Yin), which uses hematite (iron filings), polygala, fu-shen, and uncaria to help treat a depressive and/or manic-type disorder due to flaring of fire. Fu-shen 16 also includes the hot/cold pair of cinnamon bark and coptis; it is believed that these ingredients used together not only harmonize their own divergent natures and tastes, but also settle a conflict between the heart and kidney. The yang energy of the kidney can agitate the fire of the heart, but this is not always treated by cooling the kidney yang; in this case, the kidney is warmed slightly to aid rooting of the yang, thus protecting the heart, which is cooled by coptis. This formula is useful for persons who suffer from mental and physical agitation that results from excessive fire of the liver and heart and who might not tolerate stirring of the liver (as can occur when administering bupleurum-based formulas). If there is liver yin and blood deficiency, one should add a tonic formula (e.g., Tortoise Shell Tablets, Shou Wu Tablets, Tang-kuei 18) at the same time; for phlegm accumulation accompanying the fire syndrome, Bamboo 11 can be added.
Ingredients Fu Shen (fu-shen) 8% Long Gu (dragon bone) 8% Mu Li (oyster shell) 8% Suan Zao Ren (zizyphus) 7% Chi Shao (red peony) 7% Ban Xia (pinellia) 7% Gou Teng (uncaria) 7% Huang Qin (scute) 7% Dai Zhe Shi (hematite) 6% Shi Jue Ming (haliotis) 6% Yuan Zhi (polygala) 6% Sheng Di (rehmannia) 5% Ren Shen (ginseng) 5% Huang Lian (coptis) 5% Rou Gui (cinnamon bark) 4% Gan Cao (licorice) 4%

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