Fu Zi - Hei Shun Pian (Lab Tested)

Fu Zi - Hei Shun Pian (Lab Tested)

Fu Zi - Hei Shun Pian (Lab Tested)

Brand NuHerbs
Unit Size 1 pound
Taste Acrid - Bensky
Properties Hot, Toxic
Contraindications Contraindicated in those with yin deficiency and abundant yang, true heat and false cold, or during pregnancy.
Actions Revives the yang and rescues from rebellion; Warms the fire and assists the yang; Disperses cold, warms the channels, and alleviates pain
Pattern Devastated yang disorder; Cold yin; Extremely weak yang qi; Heart deficiency; Kidney yang deficiency; Spleen yang deficiency; Wind-cold-damp obstruction; Cold blocking the organs, channels, sinews, bones, or blood vessels.
Channels Entered Heart; Kidney; Spleen

Product will ship FedEx Ground, even if Expedited is selected.  Call for expedited shipping rates.

Chinese name Fu Pian
English name Prepared Aconite Root

Revives the yang and rescues from rebellion; Warms the fire and assists the yang; Disperses cold, warms the channels, and alleviates pain*


Fu Pian

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