Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense Essential Oil

Brand Snow Lotus Essential Oils
Unit Size 5 ml bottle
Actions Tonifies and regulates Qi, and strengthens the mind (Holmes, Clinical Aromatherapy, 2009)
English name Frankincense Essential Oil
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Price: $34.00
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Quantity (2 in stock)
Description A sweet, spicy, woody-balsamic oil distilled from fine Somalian resin. The oil uplifts, calms and grounds at the same time. By producing a focused mental composure, Frankincense oil encourages insight and creativity, and helps with meditation. Reduces over stimulation and relieves worry and listlessness. Topically, Frankincense addresses dry or mature skin types, helps reduce wrinkles and promotes tissue repair.
Ingredients Frankincense (Boswellia carterii) essential oil, oleoresin, wildcrafted, from Somalia.
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