Firefighter, 8 oz

Firefighter, 8 oz

Firefighter, 8 oz

SKU GW104-8
Brand Gentle Warriors Pediatric Formulations
Unit Size 8 oz
Dosage (adult) 60-90 drops, 2-4 times per day.
Potency 7:1
Contraindications Caution with suspected bacterial infection with high fever; while nursing; Caution with diarrhea.
Chinese Symptomology Pain, swelling, and suppuration of the skin, blood vessels, lymph vessels and glands, throat, sinuses, nose, eyes and ears; itching and inflammation due to insect bites and stings; Hives, rashes, boils and acne; Dysentery and food poisoning; Toxic or allergic reactions to other medications
English name Firefighter, 8 oz
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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown
Description Fire Fighter relieves a wide range of skin conditions such as rashes, acne, eczema, insect bites, allergic dermatitis, and hives, pimples, sores, blisters, impetigo, and inflammation.*


Pinyin Name

Common Name

Bai hua she she cao

Oldenlandia herb

Xuan shen

Scrophularia root

Pu gong ying

Dandelion herb and root

Jin yin hua

Honeysuckle flower

Lian qiao

Forsythia fruit

Niu bang zi

Burdock fruit

Jie geng

Platycodon root

Bo he

Chinese mint herb

Hei zao

Black jujube fruit

Gan cao

Chinese licorice root

Ding xiang

Clove flower

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