Fire Starter/Fire Child, 8oz

Fire Starter/Fire Child, 8oz

Fire Starter/Fire Child, 8oz

SKU GW104A-8
Brand Gentle Warriors Pediatric Formulations
Unit Size 8 oz
Potency 7:1
Contraindications Caution with Upper respiratory tract infection, Caution with Indigestion , Caution with gastroenteritis

Harmonizes Heart-Lung and Kidney- Heart. Supplements Qi and Yin of the Heart, Lung and Kidney, calms Shen, consolidates Essence, clears upper orifices, descends the Qi, supports Spleen and Stomach.*

Fire Starter modulates the dynamic of the Fire Triangle. That means harmonizing the interaction between both Fire and Metal (Heart and Lung) and Fire and Water (Heart and Kidney). As in all five Peacemakers, the Spleen is a central facet of Fire Starter, the key formula for the Fire Child.*

The Kidney and Heart embody the Yin Yang (Jing-Shen), soma-psyche continuum of human life. The Kidney, the primary source of Yin and Yang Essences, engenders and maintains the fundamental matrix of the body – the marrow, bones, gonads, spinal cord and brain (Sea of Marrow). From this basic substance arise subconscious and conscious aspects of Mind (Shen), along with the capacity to learn from experience and cultivate wisdom.*

The harmonic interaction between the Kidney and Heart is crucial to growth, stability, sanity and survival. These are the magnetic poles of the organism. Without their accord, chaos ensues.

The Heart and the Lung enjoy a special relationship. They both inhabit the Upper Burner and together govern the equitable circulation and dissemination of Blood and Qi throughout the body and mind. The Heart fills and empties itself by actively expanding and contracting (Yang) and the Lung fills and empties itself by passively inflating and collapsing (Yin).

The Heart is Yang (Fire) within Yang (Upper Burner) and rules the Blood through its ability to propel the Blood through the channels and vessels. The Lung is Yin (Metal) within Yang (Upper Burner) and governs the Qi through its ability to infuse the Blood with the Genuine Qi (Zhen Qi). It holds the power to regulate the rhythm of the Heart and the pulse – the Lung masters the Qi.

Together the Yin Qi of the Kidney and Lung modulate the Yang Qi of the Heart, providing comfort and steadiness to the Mind (Shen).*


White atractylodes rhizome, Pseudostellaria root and Chinese licorice root and rhizome orient this formula around the Middle Burner. Since the Heart is the focus of this formula, Pseudostellaria root is included because it supplements the Qi and Yin Moisture of the Heart as well as that of the Lung and Kidney. Lycium fruit and Schizandra fruit support the Kidney by consolidating the Qi and Essence. Polygala root, Magnetite, Polygonum multiflorum stem and Silk tree flower support the Heart by calming the Mind (Shen) and clearing the Upper Orifices (Xiang Qiao). Lotus stem, Amber resin and Schisandra fruit harmonize the Heart and Kidney. The quartet of Polygala root, Schisandra fruit, Lily bulb and Lophatherum herb harmonize the Heart and Lung. Finally, Radish seed promotes the downward moving Qi of the Upper and Middle Burners and Chinese licorice root and rhizome harmonizes the action of all ingredients.*


  • Warm, magnetic, passionate, spontaneous.
  • Intimate, easy to know, pleasure seeking.
  • Charismatic, empathic, fun-loving.
  • Easily bored, a busy bee.
  • Shy when anxious or apprehensive.
  • Emotionally intense, easily startled, dislikes surprises.
  • Exhausted by excitement and over-stimulation.
  • Melancholic and morose when tired or lonely.


  • Escalating Heart Yang instability.
  • Congestion of Qi and Blood.
  • Depletion of Qi, Blood and Moisture.
  • Phlegm misting upper orifices.
  • Damp Heat descending to Lower Burner.
  • Attrition of Yin of Lung and Kidney.
  • Obstruction of Lung and Kidney Qi.
  • Disturbance of Shen, Po and Zhi

Herb: Magnetite, Lily bulb, Polygonum multiflorum stem, White atractylodes rhizome, Radish seed, Pseudostellaria root, Lophatherum herb, Lycium fruit, Reishi fruiting body, Polygala root, Schisandra fruit, Silk tree flower, Lotus stamen, Chinese licorice root and rhizome, Amber resin

Herb (Pinyin): Duan ci shi, Bai he, Ye jiao teng, Bai zhu, Lai fu zi, Tai zi shen, Dan zhu ye, Gou qi zi, Ling zhi, Yuan zhi, Wu wei zi, He huan hua, Lian xu, Gan cao, Hu po

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