Fenugreek Seed Extract, 8 oz.

Fenugreek Seed Extract, 8 oz.

Fenugreek Seed Extract, 8 oz.

SKU HAL555-8
Brand Herbalist & Alchemist
Unit Size 8 oz.
Taste bitter
Properties warm
Contraindications Contraindicated in those with either damp-heat or heat from yin deficiency. - Bensky
Chinese Symptomology Abdominal or flank distention and pain, bulging disorders, cold-damp leq qi*
Western Symptomology deficient lactation*, nausea*, gas*, gastric irritiation*
Actions Fortifies the primal yang, drives out cold and dampness from the lower burner, treats pain from cold-type bulging disorders* - Bensky
Pattern Kidney yang deficiency accompanied by accumulation of cold or stagnant qi - Bensky
Channels Entered Kidney - Bensky
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Price: $106.25
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Supports Healthy Digestive Function*

Fenugreek seeds naturally contain nutrients such as B vitamins, Vitamin C, and Beta Carotene — all of which support the optimal production of breast milk.* Research suggests that fenugreek seeds also help maintain blood sugar metabolism.*


Excerpted from Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed

  • Warms the Kidneys, disperses dampness and cold, and alleviates pain:  for patterns of Kidney yang deficiency accompanied by accumulation of cold or stagnant qi.  Manifestations include abdominal  or flank distention and pain or bulgiing disorders.  Also used for cold-damp leg qi.*

Botanical Name: Trigonella foenum-graecum

Part Used: Seed

Fresh/Dry: Dried

Concentration/Other Ingredients
1:4 - Certified Organic alcohol, distilled water

30-40 drops (1.5-2 mL) in juice or water. Take 3 times per day.

Do not use during pregnancy unless otherwise directed by a qualified expert.

Kosher Certified Kosher by OK Kosher Certification