Er Chen Tang Capsules

Er Chen Tang Capsules

Er Chen Tang Capsules

Brand TCM Zone Formulas - Capsules
Unit Size 100 capsules
Potency 5:1
Chinese Symptomology Cough with profuse white sputum, a sensation of fullness in the chest, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, palpitations.
Actions Removes dampness to resolve Phlegm; regulates the Stomach function.
Pattern Phlegm dampness
Tongue Pale; Thick, white and greasy or sticky
Pulse Slippery or Soft
Branch Spleen
Chinese name Er Chen Tang Capsules
English name Two Cured Formula Capsules
Description Dries dampness, transforms phlegm, regulates the qi, and harmonizes the middle burner.

Ju Hong 29.5%, Fa Ban xia 29.5%, Fu Ling 19%, Zhi Gan Cao 9%, Sheng Jiang 9%, Wu Mei 3.5%

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