Elder Berry (Sambucus nigra), Organic

Elder Berry (Sambucus nigra), Organic

Elder Berry (Sambucus nigra), Organic

SKU MR1202
Brand Mountain Rose
Unit Size 1 pound
Properties Potassium nitrate, sambucin, sambunigrin, sugars. The complex sugars of the berries are the immune-active fractio
Contraindications According to the Botanical Safety Handbook*, the unripe and raw fruit, seeds, bark and leaves contain a component, sambunigrin, which may cause vomiting or severe diarrhea if ingested
Actions Diaphoretic, diuretic, laxative, antirheumatic

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English name Elder Berry (Sambucus nigra)
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Price: $36.00
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Quantity (1 in stock)

Elder Berry (Sambucus nigra). Certified Organic. 

Ingredients Elder Berry (Sambucus nigra). Certified Organic. Origin: Hungary
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