Ease 2, 270 Caps

Ease 2, 270 Caps

Ease 2, 270 Caps

Brand Health Concerns
Unit Size 270 tablets, 650 mg, 45 day supply
Dosage 2 to 4 tablets, 3 times per day, between meals
Potency not disclosed - unknown
Chinese Symptomology Invigorates Liver Qi, Relieves the Surface, Harmonizes the Liver and Spleen, Tonifies Spleen Qi, Harmonizes the Exterior and Interior
Actions 1. Relaxes muscular tension, especially of the neck, shoulder, and upper back. 2. Treats prolonged colds and flu that are accompanied by headache, gastrointestinal disorders, and body aches. 3. Useful for emotional disorders, PMS, especially with spleen d

Health Concerns Clinical Handbook PDF

Note: Health Concerns is converting all formulas from tablets to capsules. Our inventory will reflect both until the conversion is complete.

Chinese name Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang
English name Ease 2 (Bupleurum & Cinnamon Herbal Supplement), 270 tabs
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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Ease 2 is based on the traditional formula Chai Hu Ghi Zhi Tang (Bupleurum and Cinnamon Combination) which treats prolonged viral infections with GI disturbance and muscular tension.


Chai Hu (Bupleurum root) Ge Gen (Pueraria root) Ban Xia (Pinellia rhizome) Gui Zhi (Cinnamon twig) Bai Shao (White Peony root) Ren Shen (Ginseng Root) Huang Qin (Scute root) Gan Cao (Licorice Root) Gan Jiang (Ginger Rhizome)