Dragon's Blood Resin (Xue Jie). Wild Harvested

Dragon's Blood Resin (Xue Jie). Wild Harvested

Dragon's Blood Resin (Xue Jie). Wild Harvested

SKU MR1195
Brand Mountain Rose
Unit Size 1 pound
Taste Sweet, salty
Properties Neutral
Contraindications Do not take internally during pregnancy or menstruation
Chinese Symptomology Falls, fractures, contusions, and sprains; pain due to blood stasis from other causes; bleeding due to external injury or bleeding from the upper digestive tract; chronic nonhealing ulcers - Bensky
Actions Internally: invigorates the blood, disperses stasis, stops pain; externally: generates flesh, assists sores and wounds to heal, stops bleeding - Bensky
Pattern Traumatic injury; bleeding due to traumatic injury, nonhealing ulcerations - Bensky
Channels Entered Heart, Liver

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Chinese name Xue Jie
English name Dragon's Blood; Daemonoropis Resina
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On sale: $131.20 ($164.00) save 20%
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Quantity (1 in stock)

"Daemonoropis Resina (Xue Jie) is often classed as a herb for external application, but is also taken internally, usually as a powder. It enters the blood level of the Liver channel to invigorate the blood, disperse stasis, and stop pain, and is used for blood pooling due to internal injuries, contusions from falls, stabbing pain in the chest and abdomen, and gynecological conditions such as amenorrhea or postpartum pain due to blood stasis." - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica.*


Dragon's Blood Resin (Xue Jie) Daemonorops draco. Wild Harvested. Origin: Malaysia

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