Dispel Stasis in the Lower Palace, 300 Tablets

Dispel Stasis in the Lower Palace, 300 Tablets

Dispel Stasis in the Lower Palace, 300 Tablets

SKU KV108B-300
Brand Kan Essentials Veterinarian Formulas
Unit Size 300 tablets, (500mg)
Contraindications Pregnancy
Actions Warms the Yang of the Lower Burner, invigorates Blood and Qi, dispels Blood stasis*
Pattern Tonifies and moves Blood, moves Qi, tonifies Spleen, drains Dampness
Tongue The tongue is often pale, lavender or purple
Pulse The pulse is frequently weak and erratic, but may be more toned

Recommended Animal Dosages


The following dosage recommendations are based upon dosages for humans and our practicing veterinarians' feedback. Dosage suggestions should be used as a guideline and professional veterinarian judgment employed in the final dosage selection.

Horse and Pony Dosages (BID)*
Weight Extracts Tablets
330 - 650 lbs 47 - 92 drops/1.5 - 3 cc 5 - 9 tabs
650 - 1000 lbs 92 - 142 drops/3 - 5 cc 9 - 13 tabs
*Administer to Horses and Ponies up to Two Times Daily (BID) with Meals

Dog Dosages (TID)**
Weight Extracts Tablets
1 - 8 lbs 1 - 2 drops 1/10 - 1/5 tab
9 - 18 lbs 3 drops 1/3 tab
19 - 36 lbs 6 drops 1/2 tab
37 - 75 lbs 12 drops 1 tab
76 - 100 lbs 24 drops 2 tabs
**Administer to Dogs and Cats up to Three Times Daily (TID) with Meals

Cat Dosages (TID)**
Weight Extracts Tablets
less than 6 lbs 1 - 2 drops 1/10 - 1/5 tab
6 - 10 lbs 2 - 3 drops 1/5 - 1/3 tab
11 - 20 lbs 4 - 6 drops 1/3 - 1/2 tab
**Administer to Dogs and Cats up to Three Times Daily (TID) with Meals
Chinese name Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang
English name Fennel Seed and Corydalis Combination
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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Dispels Blood stasis in the Lower Burner, invigorates Blood and Qi, warms the Yang of the Lower Burner. *

Dispel Stasis in the Lower Palace (Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang), a well known Blood-moving formula, relieves Blood stagnation and invigorates the Blood. This formula is excellent for addressing Blood stagnation, particularly of the lower body due to Cold from deficiency of Yang. This formula has the simultaneous advantage of warming Kidney Yang and moving Blood.*

Chinese cinnamon bark and Ginger rhizome warm the Yang of the Lower Burner, relieve stagnation and invigorate the Blood. Dong quai root tail, Chinese red peony root and Sichuan lovage rhizome work together to move Qi and Blood. Myrrh resin, Bulrush pollen, prepared Corydalis yanhusuo tuber and Fennel fruit are included to relieve Blood stasis.*

For stasis above the diaphragm, choose Blood’s Palace (Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang) or Dispel Stasis in the Palace of Blood (Jia Wei Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang). For middle body Blood stasis, choose Dispel Stasis in the Middle Palace (Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang).


  • Herb: Dong quai root tail, Bulrush pollen , Prepared corydalis yanhusuo tuber, Chinese red peony root, Sichuan lovage rhizome, Myrrh resin, Chinese cinnamon bark, Fennel fruit, Ginger rhizome
  • Herb (Pinyin): Dang gui wei, Pu huang, Zhi yan hu suo, Chi shao, Chuan xiong, Mo yao, Rou gui, Xiao hui xiang, Gan jiang
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