Dispel Stasis in the Lower Burner, 2oz.

Dispel Stasis in the Lower Burner, 2oz.

Dispel Stasis in the Lower Burner, 2oz.

SKU KT116C-2
Brand Kan Traditionals
Unit Size 2oz. Bottle
Potency 7:1
Contraindications Contraindicated during pregnancy. Contraindicated in patterns with underlying Qi deficiency or excessive menstrual bleeding.
Western Symptomology Occasional distention or discomfort in the lower abdomen or lower back, (Lower Jiao) that gets better with warmth and worse with pressure, Occasional menstrual irregularities or Being Lou, Occasional cold sensations or aversion to cold, Occasional low or depressed mood.
Actions Invigorates the Blood, disperses Blood accumulation or stasis in the Lower Burner, moves Liver Qi, warms and regulates menstruation, alleviates stagnation
Pattern Blood stasis, Liver Qi Stagnation, Cold accumulation in the Lower Burner
Tongue Pale to pale purple
Pulse Varying: choppy, slippery, thin or slow

Complementary Formulas: Fire the Yang, Free and Easy Wanderer, Replenish the Right

Chinese name Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang
English name Dispel Stasis in the Lower Burner

Invigorates the Blood, disperses Blood accumulation or stasis in the Lower Burner, moves Liver Qi, warms and regulates menstruation, alleviates stagnation. Supports a healthy reproductive system, supports ovarian and uterine health, supports a healthy prostate, supports a healthy colon.*


Pinyin Name

Common Name

Dang gui shen

Dong quai root

Pu huang

Bulrush pollen

Chi shao

Chinese red peony root

Zhi yan hu suo

Prepared corydalis yanhusuo tuber

Chuan xiong

Sichuan lovage rhizome

Rou gui

Chinese cinnamon bark

Mo yao

Myrrh resin

Xiao hui xiang

Fennel fruit

Zhi xiang fu

Prepared cyperus rhizome

Chao zhi ke

Dry fried bitter orange mature fruit

Hong hua

Carthamus flower

Gan jiang

Ginger rhizome