Digital TENS/EMS

Digital TENS/EMS

Digital TENS/EMS

Brand ProMed Specialties
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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

The PM-720 is a lightweight and portable dual channel TENS/EMS Combination device with 1"x1.75" digital display. For TENS, it features 6 stimulation modes: N(Normal), B(Burst),M (Modulated Rate and Width), S1(Modulation Width), S2(Modulation Width) and P Three EMS Modes: C(Constant), S(Synchronous), A(Alternate). Additionally, for EMS the On-time and Off-time for Ramp-up and Ramp-down are adjustable. Includes 4 self-adhesive electrodes (1.5" x 1.5" dia), wires, carrying case, belt clip, 9 volt battery, and instructions.  

Warranty: 1 year, unit only 


Specifications 500 ohm test load
Output Channels: 2 independent intensity channels
Frequency: 2 to 150 Hz
Volts and current: 0 to 40 volts, 0 to 100 mA (milliamps)
Pulse shape: asymmetrical biphasic square wave
Pulse modes: TENS: burst, normal continuous, modulation rate, and width and 2 additional modulation widths
EMS: constant, alternating, synchronous
Pulse width: 50 to 300 microseconds, adjustable
Timer: 5 to 90 min, adjustable or constant
Patient Compliance Timer: memorize 60 sets of operation records (total record time is 999 hours)
Power source: 9 volt battery
Size, width, color: 4.7" x 2.4" x 1.20", 0.35 lbs, Cream
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