Diaper Skin Soother Plus

Diaper Skin Soother Plus

Diaper Skin Soother Plus

SKU E105
Brand Emily Skin Soothers
Unit Size 1.8 oz
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Price: $17.99
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Quantity (3 in stock)

Red, hot, skin that is obviously painful. Diaper rash is a horrible thing to see. I remember when our daughter Emily had diaper rash. It was heart-wrenching to see her suffer with deep red splotches. (We unfortunately had not developed this product yet.)

Diaper rash is a form of dermatitis (skin inflammation). Most children suffer from it at one point or another. People often believe that it is from parent neglect and not changing diapers frequently enough. Studies show that this is rarely the cause.

There are many possible underlying causes. It can be from contact /allergic reactions to creams, wipes or diapers. It can be from rubbing or friction. It can come from food sensitivities. The irritated skin can also be infected by bacteria (Staph or Strep) or yeast (Candida). In the herbal view of things this type of hot, red, damp skin condition is usually considered 'damp heat'.

Our Emily Diaper Skin Soother Plus was formulated with all of the causes above in mind. There are just 6 simple ingredients and like all of our products, it was formulated for people who read labels and have sensitive skin. It is a gentle, unscented balm unlike any other diaper product that we know of. Here are the ingredients and their traditional indications 1:

Organic Sunflower Oil: Known as a ‘barrier’ oil and acts like the body’s own protective oils. It is full of vitamin E which is good for the skin.

Beeswax: serves as a lubricant and a barrier and has been used for its antiseptic and healing properties for thousands of years.

Frankincense: Traditionally used in the treatment of injury and skin conditions to reduce swelling, alleviate pain and promote healing.

Red Peony Root: Traditionally used to ‘clear heat; and cool. Also used for swelling, pain and injury. Antibacterial: demonstrates an inhibitory effect on certain bacteria.

Dictamnus Root Bark: A bitter and cold herb used traditionally for extreme heat signs, ‘damp-heat’. Used for sores, rashes, eczema and demonstrates an antifungal effect.

Phellodendron Bark: Another bitter cold herb traditionally used for ‘damp-heat’ presentations in the genital /anal area. Drains heat from sores and lesions. Demonstrates antimicrobial and antifungal effect.

Sources: (1) Bensky, D., & Gamble, A. (1993). Chinese Herbal Medicine: Materia Medica. Seattle, WA: Eastland Press, Inc and (2) Chen, John K. and Chen, Tina T. (2008) Chinese Herbal Formulas and Applications. New York: Art of Medicine Press.

While we can’t and don’t make any medical claims, we hope you will find the product soothes skin affected by many different types of red, hot, angry skin conditions. It is not only for diaper conditions. We have also received positive feedback from people using it for other conditions like: Genital and groin eczema, Female and male yeast infections, and other red, hot rashes of various sorts.

Here is feedback from a few of the mom’s in our product testing group:

Ingredients Organic Sunflower Oil: Known as a ‘barrier’ oil and acts like the body’s own protective oils. It is full of vitamin E which is good for the skin. Beeswax: serves as a lubricant and a barrier and has been used for its antiseptic and healing properties for thousands of years. Frankincense: Traditionally used in the treatment of injury and skin conditions to reduce swelling, alleviate pain and promote healing. Red Peony Root: Traditionally used to ‘clear heat; and cool. Also used for swelling, pain and injury. Antibacterial: demonstrates an inhibitory effect on certain bacteria. Dictamnus Root Bark: A bitter and cold herb used traditionally for extreme heat signs, ‘damp-heat’. Used for sores, rashes, eczema and demonstrates an antifungal effect. Phellodendron Bark: Another bitter cold herb traditionally used for ‘damp-heat’ presentations in the genital /anal area. Drains heat from sores and lesions. Demonstrates antimicrobial and antifungal effect.

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