Dang Gui Wei Granules, 100g

Dang Gui Wei Granules, 100g

Dang Gui Wei Granules, 100g

Brand Treasure of the East Single Herb Extract Granules
Unit Size 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)
Potency 5:1
Taste Sweet, acrid
Properties Warm
Contraindications Stomach and Spleen deficiency with loose stools
Chinese Symptomology Pallid, ashen complexion; Lusterless nails; Tinnitus; Blurred Vision; Palpitations; Blood deficiency associated with irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, and dysmenorrhea; Abdominal pain; Traumatic injury; Carbuncles due to blood stasis, especially when accompanied by cold from deficiency; Chronic wind-damp painful obstruction; Constipation; Cough
Actions Tonifies the blood and regulates the menses; Invigorates and harmonizes the blood and disperses cold; Moistens the Intestines and unblocks the bowels; Treats coughs
Pattern Blood deficiency, especially affected the Heart and Liver; Blood stasis and cold; Dry intestines due to blood deficiency
Channels Entered Heart; Liver; Spleen
Chinese name Dang Gui Wei Granules, 100g
English name Chinese Angelica Root Tail

This item consists of the lateral rootlets of Dang Gui. This herb is considered less tonifying and more invigorating to the blood.


Dang Gui Wei - Chinese Angelica Root Tail

Price : $24.76
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Quantity (1 in stock)
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