Dang Gui Si Ni Tang Granules, 100g

Dang Gui Si Ni Tang Granules, 100g

Dang Gui Si Ni Tang Granules, 100g

Brand Min Tong Granules - Formulas
Unit Size 100 grams
Dosage 3 grams/3x daily
Properties Source: Discussion of Cold-induced Disorders (Shang han lun)
Contraindications This formula should be used with caution during the spring and summer seasons, or in warm climates, since it easily injures the fluids. It is contraindicated in patients with fire from yin deficiency.
Actions Warms the channels, disperses cold, nourishes the blood, and unblocks the blood vessels.
Pattern Cold injuring the terminal yin with extremely cold hands and feet;Cold invading the channels with underlying blood deficiency.
Tongue Pale with thin white coating
Pulse So thin that it is almost imperceptible
Chinese name Dang Gui Si Ni Tang Granules
English name Tang-Kuei & Jujube Combination Granules

Warms the channels, disperses cold, nourishes the blood, and unblocks the blood vessels.*


Angelica Sinensis Radix (Dang Gui) 18.90% Paeonia Radix (Bai Shao) 18.90% Cinnamomum Ramulus (Gui Zhi) 18.90% Ziziphus Fructus - Red (Hong Zao) 16.20% Glycyrrhiza Radix (Gan Cao) 13.55% Akebia trifoliata (Mu Tong - 3 leaves) 13.55%