.30x60mm - DBC Spring Ten Acupuncture Needle

.30x60mm - DBC Spring Ten Acupuncture Needle
DBC Spring Ten Needle Image DBC Spring Ten Blister Image

.30x60mm - DBC Spring Ten Acupuncture Needle

SKU DSB.30x60
Brand DBC Spring Ten Acupuncture Needles
Unit Size Box of 1,000 needles
Contraindications This needle is NOT approved by Health Canada
Silicone Coating yes

10+ Boxes Save 5%

CAUTION Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of qualified practitioners of acupuncture determined by the States.
Chinese name (30g x 2.5")
English name DBC .30 x 60 mm

High quality bulk packaged needles at an economical price. The DBC™ Spring Ten needle is manufactured in an automated facility, giving it consistency and quality unrivaled by other needles in the market.

Sterile disposable, surgical stainless steel acupuncture needles with 25 mm "spring" style metal handle. 10 needles with 1 insertion tube per sterile bulk package. Box of 1000 needles.

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