Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (Coptis & Scute), 8oz.

Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (Coptis & Scute), 8oz.

Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (Coptis & Scute), 8oz.

Brand Far East Summit Chinese Classics, Liquid Extracts (5:1)
Unit Size 8 oz
Dosage 1-3 droppers / 3x daily
Potency 5:1
Contraindications Heat in the Blood level ~ Weak patients ~ Empty-Heat
Chinese Symptomology Clears Heat and relieves toxicity ~Drains Fire from the Triple Burner
Western Symptomology Bacillary dysentery ~Dark urine ~Delirium ~Dry mouth ~Dry throat ~Dysuria ~Encephalitis ~Epistaxis ~Furuncle ~Hematemesis ~High fever ~Insomnia ~Irritability ~Jaundice ~Pneumonia ~Scanty urine ~Septicemia ~Skin infection ~Urinary tract infection
Actions Drains fire and resolves toxin, clears heat and transforms dampness.
Pattern Severe obstruction of the Three Burners by Heat toxin which pervades both the Interior and Exterior.
Tongue Red tongue, yellow coating
Pulse Forceful-Slippery-Rapid-Overflowing pulse (Shu Hua You Li Hong); Forceful-Rapid-Overflowing pulse (You Li Shu Hong)
Chinese name Huang Lian Jie Du Tang
English name Coptis & Scute Toxin-Resolving Combination

Class: Clear Heat ~ Subclass: Clear Heat and Relieve Toxicity ~ Source/Author: Wai Tai Bi Yao (Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library)

Complete extraction 5:1 liquid concentrate from Far East Summit processed using purified water and whole grain alcohol only. Alcohol content 16-25%.

Ingredients Scutellaria (huang qin)root, Gardenia fruit, Phellodendron bark, Coptis rhizome.