Huang Lian Wen Dan Tang (Coptis & Pinellia), 32oz.

Huang Lian Wen Dan Tang (Coptis & Pinellia), 32oz.

Huang Lian Wen Dan Tang (Coptis & Pinellia), 32oz.

SKU FES16-32
Brand Far East Summit Chinese Classics, Liquid Extracts (5:1)
Unit Size 32 oz.
Dosage 1-3 droppers / 3x daily
Potency 5:1
Chinese Symptomology Clears Heat from the Gall-Bladder ~Harmonizes the Stomach ~Regulates the Qi ~Transforms Phlegm
Western Symptomology Autism ~Chronic bronchitis ~Chronic gastritis ~Chronic hepatitis ~Distension of the chest ~Dizziness ~Ménière's disease ~Nausea ~Neurosis ~Peptic ulcer ~Profuse phlegm ~Schizoid behavior ~Vomiting ~Anxiety ~Bitter taste ~Loss of consciousness ~Shyness ~Slight thirst
Actions Rectifies the qi, transforms phlegm, clears teh gallbladder, harmonizes the stomach.
Pattern Gall-Bladder and Stomach disharmony with Phlegm-Heat
Tongue Red tongue, greasy-yellow coating
Pulse Slippery-Rapid pulse (Hua Shu); Rapid-Wiry pulse (Shu Xian)
Chinese name Huang Lian Wen Dan Tang
English name Coptis Warm Gallbladder Combination

Class: Transform Phlegm ~ Subclass: Clear and Transform Phlegm-Heat ~ Source/Author: Wen Re Jing Wei (Warp and Woof of Warm-febrile Diseases)

Complete extraction 5:1 liquid concentrate from Far East Summit processed using purified water and whole grain alcohol only. Alcohol content 16-25%.

Ingredients Poria sclerotium fungus, Citrus peel, Immature Bitter Orange fruit, Bamboo shavings, Pinellia rhizome, Coptis rhizome, Jujube date, Fresh Ginger rhizome, Chinese Licorice root.
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