Compassionate Sage, (1 oz.)

Compassionate Sage, (1 oz.)

Compassionate Sage, (1 oz.)

SKU K102-1oz
Brand Kan Herbals
Unit Size 1 oz.
Dosage 10-20 drops, 2-3 times per day
Potency 8:1
Actions Calms, nourishes, and stabilizes Spirit, nourishes Heart Blood
Pattern Heart unable to store Spirit (Shen), Heart Blood and Qi vacuity
Tongue A wide range is possible
Pulse No one pulse is suggested

This preparation is usually taken together with other formulas.  Commonly, a disturbance in other bodily energies will affect the Heart Spirit.  Disharmonies that are treated by Quiet Comtemplative, Relaxed Wanderer, Dynamic Warrior, or Prosperous Farmer can also affect the Heart Spirt and require the additon of the Compassionate Sage.  However, the Chinese do take this formulation alone if the appearance of a Sage pattern is present and unaccompanied by other indications. - Kan Herbals Formula Guide

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Chinese name hu po yang xin dan
English name Compassionate Sage, (1 oz.)
Description Calms, nourishes, and stabilizes Spirit, nourishes Heart Blood*


Pinyin Name

Common Name

Long gu sheng

Dragon bone

Suan zao ren chao

Sour jujube seed (dry fried)

Yuan zhi da

Polygala root

Bai zi ren

Biota seed

Fu ling


Ji lin bai ren shen

White asian ginseng root

Jiu jie chang pu

Altaica rhizome

Long yan rou

Longan fruit

Dan shen

Chinese salvia root and rhizome

He huan pi

Silk tree bark

Hu po

Amber resin

Chuan huang lian

Coptis rhizome

Dang gui shen

Dong quai root

Ling zhi

Reishi fruiting body

Gan cao

Chinese licorice root

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