Cold Quell, 180 caps

Cold Quell, 180 caps

Cold Quell, 180 caps

SKU BP106-180
Brand Blue Poppy Originals
Unit Size 180 (10:1 extract) capsules
Dosage Fast and effective (within hours!). For active symptoms, take 5 capsules every 3-4 hours until symptoms abate. Then use the bottle dosage for another day or two to consolidate the effect.
Potency 10:1 (average) 500mg
Properties Designed especially for the typical Western patient who more frequently contracts a wind heat invasion, rahter than a wind cold invasion. Can be used for cold or flu. This product can be taken at lower, preventative doses when you must be in crowds, dur
Contraindications Common cold or flu after sore throat has abated or common cold without sore throat.
Chinese Symptomology Gan Mao (common cold or flu);Yan tong (sore throat);fu re (fever)
Western Symptomology Common Cold;Flu;Sore Throat;Influenza
Actions Resolves the exterior and dispels wind, clears heat and resolves toxins, disinhibits the throat and abates fever at the same time as harmonizing the liver-spleen, transforming phlegm, and eliminating dampness.
Pattern Wind heat external contraction and possible heat toxins with an underlying liver-spleen disharmony resulting in a defensive qi vacuity, an inhibited qi mechanism, concomitant internal heat, and deep-lying phlegm dampness.
Chinese name Xiao Chai Hu Tang He Si Wu Tang Jia Jian
English name Cold Quell, 180 caps
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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown
Description This formula is for the treatment of a wind heat external invasion exterior pattern in a person with a righteous qi vacuity and liver depression qi stagnation. There may also be phlegm nodulation and/or heat toxins. Although Xiao Chai Hu Tang is the classic Chinese formula for a shao yang division disease, one can use the above modification of this formula whether or not the patient has a shao yang pattern. In this case, the rationale for this formula is not based on Zhang Zhong-jings original indications but rather on an analysis of each ingredient.
In terms of disease diagnosis, this formula is for common cold and epidemic influenza with possible bronchitis and especially in women as opposed to men, and even more especially perimenstrually. However, if the patients pattern conforms, this formula may be taken by men and women alike and regardless of phase in menstrual cycle. For instance, this formula is also often indicated for postpartum fevers and flus and for the recurrent fevers, sore throats, and swollen glands of people with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
Ingredients Ban Lan Gen; Lian Qiao; Jin Yin Hua; Xuan Shen; Sheng Di Huang; Chuan Xiong; Huang Qin; Chai Hu; Dang Shen; Ban Xia; Da Zao; Sheng Jiang; Niu Bang Zi; Bai Shao; Dang Gui; Jie Geng