Yi Yi Ren, Coix seed - 4 oz.

Yi Yi Ren, Coix seed - 4 oz.

Yi Yi Ren, Coix seed - 4 oz.

SKU FES972-4
Brand Far East Summit Single Herb Liquid Extracts
Unit Size 4 oz.
Potency 8:1
Taste Sweet, bland - Bensky
Properties slightly cold - Bensky
Chinese Symptomology Edema, diarrhea, leg qi, painful urinary dribbling; Joint pain; Carbuncles, lung or intestinal abscess; Digestive problems - Bensky
Actions Tonifes the Spleen and augments the Lungs; Leaches out dampness from the bones, sinews, and muscles to treat painful obstruction diosorder; cools heat and expels pus to treat sores and abscesses
Pattern Dampness, Damp-warmth; Damp painful obstruction; Damp-heat - Bensky
Channels Entered Lungs, Spleen, Stomach, Kidney - Bensky
Chinese name Yi Yi Ren
English name Coix seed
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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Excerpted from Bensky:  Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.

  • Facilitates the resolution of dampness and strengthens the Spleen:  for edema, diarrhea, leg qi, painful urinary dribbling, and damp-warmth.  It treats both the root and manifestations of these disorders.*
  • Facilitates the resolution of dampness and eliminates painful obstruction:  for wind-damp painful obstruction.  Especially effective for increasing joint mobility and reducing spasms in chronic cases.*
  • Clears heat and exples pus:  for soft, pustulated carbuncles as well as Lung or Intestinal abscess.*
  • Clears damp-heat:  for any damp-heat disorder at any level characterized by a greasy tongue coating and digestive problems.*