Gingko Pearls

Gingko Pearls

Gingko Pearls

Brand Classical Pearls Legacy Series
Unit Size 90 Capsules / 500mg
Dosage Take 2 capsules three times per day, or as instructed by your health care practitioner (adjust dosage for children according to age and size
Potency 10:1
Chinese Symptomology Nausea, vomiting; aversion to food Dizziness; brain fog, confusion Headaches, migraines Inexplicable sensations in brain/head region, often related to food intake Loss of smell or taste Stomach pain and counterflow of qi in the esophagus Obsessive compulsive behavior including obsessive eating conditions Sudden loss of appetite or palpitations after shock (especially heartbreak)
Pattern Liver and Stomach disharmony and cold
Tongue Pale tongue body (may have no coating, or white coating, or yellowish coating)
Pulse Overall weak pulse; “soggy pearl” sensation in SP/ST pulse position
CAUTION Note: Classical Pearls are not eligible for any discounts.
Chinese name Wuzhuyu Jiajian Tang

Overall WarmingWarming and Descending with Evodia - Earth

Ingredients *Proprietary blend containing pure herbal extracts of: Evodia ruticarpa (wuzhuyu), Zingiber officinale (shengjiang), Ziziphus jujuba (dazao), Codonopsis pilosula (dangshen), Salvia miltiorrhiza (danshen), Lilium brownii (baihe), Dryopteris crassirhizoma (guanzhong), Amomum villosum (sharen), Gingko biloba leaf (yinxingye), Acorus gramineus (shichangpu), Pteria martensii pearl (zhenzhu), Lumbricus (dilong), Gentiana scabra (longdancao), Rheum officinale (dahuang)

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