Gui Zhi, Cinnamon twig - 32 oz.

Gui Zhi, Cinnamon twig - 32 oz.

Gui Zhi, Cinnamon twig - 32 oz.

SKU FES932-32
Brand Far East Summit Single Herb Liquid Extracts
Unit Size 32 oz.
Potency 8:1
Taste Acrid, Sweet - Bensky
Properties Warm - Bensky
Contraindications Contraindicated in cases of warm-heat pathogen disease, yin deficiency with heat signs, and heat in the blood with vomiting. During pregnancy or in cases of excessive menstruation, use only in doses of 6g or less, preferably the dry-fried cinnamon twigs.
Actions Releases the exterior and assists the yang; Warms and unblocks the channels and collaterals; Warms the yang and transforms thin mucus; Assists the Heart yang and unblocks the yang qi of the chest; Warms the channels, vessels, and collaterals; Warms the middle
Channels Entered Heart; Lung; Bladder
Chinese name Gui Zhi
English name Cinnamon twig
Description Releases the exterior and assists the yang; Warms and unblocks the channels and collaterals; Warms the yang and transforms thin mucus; Assists the Heart yang and unblocks the yang qi of the chest; Warms the channels, vessels, and collaterals; Warms the middle.*
Ingredients Gui Zhi - Cinnamon Twig
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