Chem/Rad Support

Chem/Rad Support

Chem/Rad Support

Brand Dr. Kang Formulas
Unit Size 60 Tablets
Dosage 2 to 3 Tablets, three times per day between meals: morning, noon and evening.
Potency 8:1, 750 mg tabs
Chinese Symptomology Toxic side effects from chemotherapy and radiation therapy marked by:fatigue, dizziness, thirst, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite.
Western Symptomology Toxic side effects of Chemotherapy and radiation therapy for Cancer.
Actions This TCM formula functions to tonify Qi and Blood, nourish Yin, strengthen the Spleen, and cleanse the Toxins.Acute care clinical TCM research in China shows that this formula can increase white blood cell count, reduce the adverse gastrointestinal reactions to chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and stimulate the immune system.
Pattern Qi and Blood deficiency;Yin deficiency;Toxins
English name Chem/Rad Support
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Price: $41.14
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Quantity (3 in stock)
Description To be used as a supplement to a balanced diet to counteract the side effects of cancer chemotherapy and radiation therapy treatments.*

The Western scientific treatments of choice for cancer include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. The side-effects of chemotherapy and radiation include extreme fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. This formula in part targets these side effects and helps the patient endure the treatment as well as recover from the side-effects as quickly as possible.*

A second aspect of this formula addresses the immune system. From the Western scientific perspective the part of the immune system that targets cancer includes the activation of T cytotoxic cells (T killer cells). These cells are activated by the immune system and have receptors specific for cancer cells. Once activated T cytotoxic cells lyse tumor cells as well as individual cancer cells that have metastasized from the main tumor. This formula supports and invigorates this aspect of the immune system.*

The Traditional Chinese Medicine orientation is to both protect against and to treat the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy both during and after therapy. Experience with this type of therapy shows that the side effects arise from Liver and Kidney deficiency marked by weakness of both Qi and Yin. The Spleen loses its normal transporting function. Finally Heat and Toxins attack the body.*

TCM Indications: Toxic side effects from chemotherapy and radiation therapy marked by fatigue, dizziness, thirst, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite.*

This TCM formula functions to tonify Qi and Blood, nourish Yin, strengthen the Spleen, and cleanse the Toxins.*

Acute care clinical TCM research in China shows that this formula can increase white blood cell count, reduce the adverse gastrointestinal reactions to chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and stimulate the immune system.*

Yun Zhi - Polysticeus unicolor

Zhu Ling - Grifola umbellatum Sclerotium

Xian He Cao - Agrimonia pilosa Herba

Nu Zhen Zi - Ligustrum lucidum Fructus