Cajeput Essential Oil

Cajeput Essential Oil

Cajeput Essential Oil

Brand Snow Lotus Essential Oils
Unit Size 10 ml bottle
Properties Uplifting, invigorating. In dilution, for aches and pains of many kinds
Actions To warm the interior, raise Yang and strengthen the mind - Holmes
English name Cajeput Essential Oil
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Price: $13.00
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Quantity (2 in stock)

Psychological function: Uplifting, invigorating, stimulating. Cajeput is helpful with mental and physical lethargy and with sorting out mental confusion. This is a good oil for anyone with problems with concentration and short-term memory. Cajeput can also be beneficial with pessimism, low self-confidence and depression. Combines well with Lavender if a softer effect is needed.

Topical use: In 5-10% dilution, Cajeput is a heating tissue stimulant and analgesic for aches and pains of many kinds, especially of the muscles and joints. Prepare an oil-based liniment for best results.


Botanical name: Melaleuca cajuputi
Plant part: The leafy twig
Origin: Vietnam
Production: Wild-harvested and certified organic

Extraction: Steam distillation of the twigs and leaves

Price : $20.99
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Quantity (70 in stock)

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