Bupleurum and Four Substance Decoction

Bupleurum and Four Substance Decoction

Bupleurum and Four Substance Decoction

SKU KAH101-8
Brand Alembic Herbals by Kan
Unit Size 8 oz.
Dosage As directed
Potency 7:1
Properties Chai hu (Bupleurum) and Huang Qin (Chinese skullcap) are cool and bitter, outthrust evil qi from the shao yang channel, and regulate the liver.
Chinese Symptomology rib-side or chest pain/discomfort extending to the back with alternatin heat effusion and chills; contraction of wind/cold immediately before, during and after menstruation with chills, cramps, fatigue, and flu-like symptoms, and a wide range of xu lao/vacuity taxation disorders; restlessness, vexation, fatigue, and lack of presence
Western Symptomology multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, autoimmune disorder; Chronic allergies; stubborn colds or influenza that refuse to resolve with other herbal formulas or treatments.
Actions Supplements blood, qi and yin, resolves blood stasis, calms the liver, resolves phlegm, dispels evil qi.
Pattern Latent evil qi in the shao yin channel, yin and blood vacuity, blood vacuity and/or stasis, shao yang channel patterns with bitter taste, alternating heat effusion and chills, rib-side pain, alternating symptom patterns, taciturn mood. Also re ru xie shi/heat entering the blood chamber.
Tongue Pale red with scanty coat, possible dry, thin yellow coating, red spots - Rosenberg
Pulse Wiry, thin and rapid, perhaps choppy as well, indicating blood stasis - Rosenberg
Chinese name Chai hu si wu tang jia wei
English name Bupleurum And Four Substance Decoction
Description "This combination of herbs vents xie qi/evil qi outwards to the surface while bolstering the blood and yin in the liver. To the original formula we have added Xiang fu (Cyperus) to soothe the yue yin (Liver/Pericardium), along with Dan shen (Salvia) to circulate the blood. Xiao chai hu tang is frequently used in Chinese Medicine to outthrust evil qi form the shao yang (gallbladder/triple burner) channel including the mo yuan/membrane source, where evil qi is said to hide."* - Rosenberg: Clinical Guide

"Modified Bupleurum and Four Substance Decoction is designed for xie qi/evil qi that descended to the yue yin channel or xue fen/blood aspect, with dual blood vacuity and stasis. It also treats possible rib-side or chest pain/discomfort extending to the back with alternating heat effusion and chills. Additional conditions treated by this formula include contraction of wind/cold immediately before, during and after menstruation with chills, cramps, fatigue, and flu-like symptoms, and a wide range of xu lao/vacuity taxation disorders. ...This formula will also address the restlessness, vexation, fatigue, and lack of presence that also accompanies these conditions." - Rosenberg: Clinical Guide*


Pinyin Name

Common Name

Bai shao

White peony root

Shu di huang

Prepared rehmannia root

Chai hu

Bupleurum root

Huang qin

Chinese skullcap root

Fa ban xia

Licorice cured pinellia rhizome

Zhi gan cao

Honey fried Chinese licorice root & rhizome

Dang gui shen

Dong quai root

Bai ren shen

White Asian ginseng root and rhizome

Chuan xiong

Sichuan lovage rhizome

Dan shen

Chinese salvia root & rhizome

Zhi xiang fu

Prepeare cyperus rhizome

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