Bupleurum Calm Spirit 30 Day Flax

Bupleurum Calm Spirit 30 Day Flax
SKU | HSE202-30 | |
Brand | Herbsmith Rx Veterinarian Formulas - Equine | |
Unit Size | 30 Day Supply (1143 grams) | |
Contraindications | Can be used long-term, but may not need to be as the disharmonies resolve. | |
Chinese name | Modified Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li San |
Description |
Chinese Theory: Horses who are easily frightened by many things in their environment often have heart shen disturbances. Heart shen is considered to control the calmness or grounding of the mind. Herbs have been added to calm the heart shen and therefore decrease the fear of spooky things in the horses' environment. In clinical practice, constrained Liver Qi and heart shen disturbances often occur together. Herbsmith Bupleurum Calm Spirit addresses both issues. Suggested Use (for 1000 lb. horse): Flax Plus: Administer one (1) scoop twice daily for the initial twenty days. Then, administer one (1) scoop daily thereafter. Six tablespoon scoop included. |
Ingredients | Fructus Zizyphi Jujubae da zao Jujube / Arillus Euphoriae Longanae - long yan rou Longan fruit / Radix Bupleuri chai hu Bupleurum / Radix Scutellariae - huang qin Scutellaria / Codonopsis dang shen Codonopsis / Ramulus Cinnamonmi Cassiae - gui zhi Cinnamon / Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae - ban xia - Pinellia / Sclerotium Poria Cocos - fu ling Poria / Radix et Rhizoma Rhei - da haung Rhubarb root and rhizome / Os Draconis - long gu Fossilized mammal bones / Concha Ostreae - mu li Oyster shell / Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis - qan jiang Dried Ginger Rhizome / Inactive Ingredients (in Flax Plus only): Ground Flax Seed |