Books on chinese medicine, acupuncture, herbology, pathology, anatomy, theory and more.
I Ching Acupuncture - The Balance Method: Clinical Applications of the Ba Gua and I Ching
I Ching Acupuncture - The Balance Method is a valuable and effective acupuncture system that can complement any practice.
I Send a Voice
I Send a Voice is the gripping, first person account of what happens inside a Native American Sweat Lodge. Evelyn Eaton writes of her resolve to become worthy of participating in a Sweat Lodge healing ritual. She undergoes tests and ordeals inside and outside of the Lodge following the spiritual path to learn the shamanic secrets, and eventually daring to ask for a healing Pipe of her own.
Illustrated Chinese Moxibustion Techniques and Methods
This authoritative text provides a complete overview of Chinese moxibustion techniques and methods, including detailed treatments and contraindications for a wide range of conditions.
Illustrated Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis Using Massage Therapy
The book will be an invaluable basic resource for practitioners of Chinese medicine and massage therapy, as well as all other massage and bodywork professionals.
Increasing IVF Success with Acupuncture: An Integrative Approach by Nick Dalton-Brewer
Insights of a Senior Acupuncturist by Miriam Lee
This book covers a wide range of topics, including excellent discussions on the five phase points, qi circulation within the body, treating systemic and local conditions, etc.
Integrative Treatment of Male Infertility with Chinese Medicine
The first book to take an integrative approach to the treatment of male infertility issues, this easily digestible guide uses graphics and visual aids to help explain key concepts in diagnosis, anatomy and treatment from a Western and Chinese medicine perspective.