Black Walnut (Green) Hulls, 2 oz

Black Walnut (Green) Hulls, 2 oz

Black Walnut (Green) Hulls, 2 oz

SKU VW109-2
Brand Vitality Works
Unit Size 2 fl. oz.
Dosage 20-40 drops, 2-3 times daily. Acute: 60-90 drops, 3-4 times daily
Taste Bitter
Contraindications Not for long term use
English name Black Walnut (Green) Hulls, 2 oz
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Price: $25.80
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Quantity (14 in stock)

Fresh Black Walnut Hulls are harvested in their green state (before they blacken) where they are more potent. They are a strong killer of fungal infections such as athlete's foot, Candida Albicans, and other internal and topical fungal infections. It is a great addition to a Candida killing plan. * It is also a famous parasite killer. It will help to destroy amoebas, protozoa's (giardia, blastocytis hominis), pinworms, tinneas and ringworm. Often, treatment needs to go for one month in order to kill parasites in all cycles or forms from adult to egg. It can be combined with other anti-parasitic treatment. Black Walnut Hull can be used preventatively if one is traveling to an area where parasites are common or unusual. Take it before on leaves to the area by a few days and continue the whole time while gone. One must still use common sense and avoid possible parasite contaminate food and drink.*

Ingredients Wild Harvested Fresh (Green) Black Walnut Hulls - Juglans regia (1:1)
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